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Tampa Solid Waste Department COVID-19 Precaution Requirements

This information is 5 years old and may no longer be accurate.

The Department of Solid Waste and Environmental Program Management is dedicated to providing safe, critical solid waste collection service to our customers. The health and safety of our employees and our 85,000, residential and commercial customers, is our top priority.  Effective immediately, the following revisions are necessary:


  • All garbage must be bagged, secured, and inside of the cart
  • All yard waste must be properly bundled or bagged (visit our website for details)
  • McKay Bay Disposal Complex (114 S. 34th St., Tampa) will be limited to credit card transactions. There will be no cash transactions.


Residential waste is expected to increase with more self-quarantines, employees working from home and increased cleaning and sanitizing.  Please know that additional precautions and adjustments are to ensure sustainable residential and commercial solid waste collections. Any further adjustments will be communicated in advance.


Department Offices will not be accepting walk-in customers. We will continue providing telephone and on-line service to our customers. Customers may contact the City of Tampa Utilities Call Center at (813) 274-8811, or visit the website at www.tampagov.net/solidwaste  if they have any questions or concerns.   


NOTE: New Tampa residents are serviced by Hillsborough County and are encouraged to contact Hillsborough County Solid Waste for more information.