Tampa Convention Center at night

Campers Learn Litter Lesson from Tampa's Trash Boat Litter Skimmer

This information is 2 years 4 months old and may no longer be accurate.

Operators of the City of Tampa's newest trash boat, Litter Skimmer, will be giving a waste reduction and litter lesson to nearly 50 Florida Aquarium campers and staff.

On Thursday, August 4 at 10:00 a.m., Campers and staff will learn how the boat operates, the items it works to collect, and most importantly, how to help keep waste and litter out of Tampa's waterways. 

The Litter Skimmer operates ten hours a day, three days per week, picking up floating trash along the Hillsborough River, Davis Islands, and the Bay. 

In the first week of collection, the Litter Skimmer collected 1,600 pounds of floating debris in Tampa's Waterways.