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City of Tampa's Hurricane Debris Collection Ending

This information is 2 years 1 month old and may no longer be accurate.
City of Tampa Solid Waste Concludes Hurricane Ian and Hurricane Nicole Vegetative Debris Cleanup

The City of Tampa Department of Solid Waste and Environmental Program Management will conclude its Hurricane-related Ian and Nicole Vegetative Debris collection this week. 

Since October 3, 2022, the Department of Solid Waste and Environmental Program Management has collected 90,000 cubic yards of hurricane-related vegetative debris. 

This debris consists of tree limbs, stumps, and mixed leafy material. Once collected, the debris was ground and mulched.

Between two contractors and the solid waste department operators, three dozen collection teams worked to restore the city by working seven days a week, 12 hours daily, to collect as much storm-related vegetative debris as possible following Hurricanes Ian and Nicole.

The Solid Waste Department asks all customers to report any leftover storm-related vegetative debris by calling (813) 274-8811 and choosing option 3 for the Solid Waste Customer Service line. 

In addition, any freshly-trimmed branches, limbs and leaves will be collected as part of your routine yard waste collection. 

The two residential storm-related vegetative debris drop-off sites located at 22nd Street Park and Gadsden Park are currently closed. 

Following the suspension of the Solid Waste Enhanced Environmental Program, also known as SWEEP, due to Hurricane Ian and Nicole, the Solid Waste Department will resume the SWEEP program beginning the second week of January. 

Customers may contact the City of Tampa Utilities Call Center at (813) 274-8811, or visit the website at www.tampagov.net/solidwaste with any questions or concerns.