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Empowering Equality: Tampa Celebrates ADA Anniversary

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City of Tampa & Hillsborough County Celebrate 33 Years of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on Wednesday


It's been 33 years since the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law in 1990.

In honor of the anniversary, The Hillsborough County Alliance for Persons with Disabilities, in partnership with The Mayor's Alliance for Persons with Disabilities, is hosting a technology expo and advocacy awards ceremony at the Lesley "Les" Miller Jr. All People's Community Park & Life Center, 6105 E. Sligh Ave. at 11 a.m. on July 26.

The ADA was put into place to prevent discrimination against those with disabilities and to ensures that they are provided with equal opportunities. 

In 1986, the City of Tampa was the first Florida city to establish a Mayor's Alliance for Persons with Disabilities. The city also worked to ensure compliance under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), ADA Amendments (ADAA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

“We’ve implemented the Lazarillo Project which is an app created to help those with visual disabilities navigate through the city, and it has proven to be a useful resource for all of our residents," Raquel Pancho, ADA Coordinator for the City of Tampa said. "Right now, it can be used at Old City Hall, Tampa Municipal Office Building and Julian B. Lane Park."

Tampa has taken several other initiatives to provide support to people with disabilities, including:

  • Sensory Relief Zones at large city events
  • Patrons displaying a disabled parking placard are no longer required to use the pay station to activate the four hours of free on-street parking
  • Therapeutic Recreation Programs from Tampa Parks and Recreation
  • ADA-influenced park improvements at Villa Brother’s Park, Gadsden Park, New Tampa All Abilities Playground, and Freedom Playground at Macfarlane Park

In honor of the ADA anniversary, Old City Hall will illuminate purple on the evening of July 26.

For more information about The City of Tampa's ADA initiatives, please visit tampa.gov/accessibility