Ybor City

Mayor Castor will unveil her second Crosswalks to Classrooms Artistic Painted Crosswalk

This information is 5 years 1 month old and may no longer be accurate.

As a part of her commitment to Vision Zero and her Transforming Tampa’s Tomorrow transportation recommendations, Mayor Castor will be unveiling her second Crosswalks to Classrooms artistic painted crosswalk.

WHO: Mayor Castor; parents, students, and teachers from Dr. Carter G. Woodson PK-8 Magnet School

WHAT: Painted crosswalk unveiling at Dr. Carter G. Woodson PK-8 Magnet School

WHERE: Intersection of East Yukon Street and North 22nd Street in Tampa

WHEN: Tuesday, February 25th, 2020 at 7:30 AM

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