Police vehicles

Detectives make arrest in weekend homicide

This information is 4 years 5 months old and may no longer be accurate.

Incident Date/Time:  10/3/2020 at 11:22 PM

Location:  2500 block W Saint John St

Victim Info:  35-year old white male

Suspect Arrested:  Andy Flores-Tello (7/2/2000)

Details:  In the late hours of October 3, the suspect and victim, both known to each other, got into a physical altercation which escalated when the suspect produced a knife and stabbed the victim before fleeing the scene. The victim, a 35-year old male, was pronounced dead by Tampa Fire Rescue.

Detectives immediately began developing leads to positively identify and apprehend the suspect, Andy Flores-Tello. Flores-Tello was located within hours in the area of N. Armenia Ave and W. Tampa Bay Boulevard. He was arrested without incident and transported to Hillsborough County Jail, charged with First Degree Murder.