Incident Date/Time: 10/28/2020 at 9:38 PM
Location: 1800 block of E Busch Blvd
Pedestrian: 39-year-old black female (deceased)
Driver: 22-year-old Hispanic male
Vehicle: 2103 Toyota Scion
Details: At 9:38 PM on Wednesday night, Tampa Police were dispatched to the report of a pedestrian struck by a vehicle in the 1800 block of Busch Blvd.
An adult female pedestrian was reportedly crossing Busch Bl E, northbound, when she was struck by a Toyota Scion driven by an adult Hispanic male. The pedestrian was displaced into the westbound lane of Busch Blvd and was pronounced deceased on scene. The driver of the Toyota remained on scene, cooperating with the investigation. Traffic along Busch Blvd was closed for approximately three hours.
This remains an active investigation and updates can be provided as they become available.
This information is 4 years 4 months old and may no longer be accurate.
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