Police vehicles

Student arrested with gun on campus

This information is 3 years 5 months old and may no longer be accurate.

DATE/TIME: Friday, January 29, 2021 @ 1:06 PM
LOCATION: Monroe Middle School; 4716 W. Montgomery Ave
ARRESTED: Scott Decerant, black male, 4/15/2009

DETAILS: An 11-year-old student was found to have a loaded handgun on school property today. Another student told school administrators that Decerant had a gun in his backpack. The Tampa Police Department School Resource Officer was informed and immediately removed Decerant from class. A loaded handgun was found in his backpack.

There was no threat made to any individual or the school. Decerant was charged with Minor in Possession of a Firearm, Carrying a Concealed Weapon, and Possession of a Firearm on School Property. He will be transported to the Juvenile Assessment Center.

"I am proud of the student who stepped up and said something to keep others safe", said Chief Brian Dugan. "We need everyone in our community to learn from the actions of this brave student. I ask anyone who has information on someone who should not have a gun to tell us, tell Crimestoppers, or tell anyone who will let us know".