DATE/TIME: Friday, June 10, 2022 @ 1:50 PM
LOCATION: N. 32nd St @ E. Diana St
VICTIM: 16-year-old male
SUSPECT VEHICLE: White SUV poss Chevy Equinox or Mazda CX7, white, newer model, possibly with tinted windows
At 1:50 PM, Tampa Police responded to the report of shots heard in the 3200 block of N. Diana St. A 16-year-old gunshot victim was transported to a nearby hospital by private vehicle, reportedly with a non-life-threatening gunshot wound to the arm.
Witnesses describe seeing gunshots coming from an occupant of a newer model white SUV, described as a Chevy or Mazda model, that fled from the scene immediately after the shooting. The vehicle possibly has tinted windows (seen in the attached photo).
It is early in the investigation and officers are working to develop leads in this case and determine what led to this shooting.
Anyone with information is urged to contact Tampa Police at 813-231-6130, or by using TIP411, the Tampa PD app, or by contacting Crimestoppers of Tampa Bay.
Tampa Police Investigate Shooting in 3200 block N. Diana St
This information is 2 years 9 months old and may no longer be accurate.
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