I Am Tampa Ready

What Does it Mean to Be #TampaReady?

Throughout our rich history in the City of Tampa, we have continued to grow and prosper by overcoming adversity and adapting to the challenges we face.  From the 1921 Tampa Bay Hurricane to the “2008 Great Recession”, our residents have shown their toughness to continue on and make Tampa a better place to live, work, and play! 

The #TampaReady Campaign builds upon this legacy of resiliency to prepare our community to face the everyday challenges of living in a great coastal city.  From terrorism to hurricanes, we want to make sure you and your families are taking action every day to be self-reliant in the face of disaster and as whole we can continue to make our community a great resilient city!

Taking Action

To be #TampaReady we need you to take action today! Everyone needs to Make a Plan, Get a Kit, Stay Informed to ensure you are prepared to overcome any emergency throughout the year.

Make a Plan

Your family may not be together if a disaster strikes, so it is important to think about the following situations and plan just in case. Consider the following questions when making a plan:

  • How will my family get to safe locations during an emergency?
  • How will my family get in touch if phones and internet doesn’t work?
  • How will I let loved ones know I am safe

As a first step to becoming #TampaReady, you need to make a plan by visiting the State of Florida’s FloridaDisaster.org website. This state resource will provide you step by step actions to take for developing a custom plan to meet your family’s needs.  You can also visit the FEMA web site www.ready.gov/make-a-plan.

Get a Kit

One of the most important tools for emergency preparedness is your Disaster Supply Kit.  You may need to survive on your own after an emergency. This means having your own food, water and other supplies in sufficient quantity to last for at least 72 hours. First responders and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster but they may not be able to reach everyone immediately. You will get help, but it may take hours or even days after a disaster.  Download the FEMA Disaster Supply Checklist  (PDF) or visit the FEMA Build a Kit web site.

Stay Informed

The final action step to take is to continue to stay informed about emergencies and warnings from the City of Tampa.  The easiest way is to enroll in the Alert Tampa Emergency Notification System.  Once you sign up you will receive emergency notifications directly from the city to your phone, email or text as soon as it goes out.  Getting this critical information as soon as possible is key to becoming #TampaReady!

Stay Informed Graphic

Share Your Resiliency

As you begin your preparedness actions share your resiliency on social media using #TampaReady or tagging our social media handle @AlertTampa. We love sharing best practices and fun pictures with our followers in a hope to promote resiliency to everyone!

You can also download and print the picture below to show off your pride once you have become #TampaReady!  We look forward to hearing from you throughout Hurricane Season (June 1st to November 30th) 

I am ready         I Am Tampa Ready Campaign

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