Tampa from the Porch at the University of Tampa

Average Monthly Water Usage Table

Customer Classification Average Monthly Water Use For FY 2016 (in ccf) Average Monthly Water Use For FY 2017 (in ccf) Average Monthly Water Use For FY 2018 (in ccf)
Single Family Residential 8 8 8
Apartment, per unit 6 7 7
Hotel, per room 5 5 5
Office Bldg, per 1,000 sq. ft. 2 2 3
Small Commercial 18 19 19
Medium Commercial 105 125 124
Large Commercial 792 927 896
Small Industrial 21 28 19
Medium Industrial 152 164 185
Large Industrial 2269 2488 3354

The Tampa Water Department bills in units of ccf. 1 ccf (100 cubic feet) = 748 gallons