Tampa in Technicolor from Above

Water Project Updates

The Tampa Water Department provides drinking water to over 716,000 people who live and work in the City of Tampa and sections of unincorporated Hillsborough County. We maintain and operate a water distribution system that covers a 219 square mile service area. Our system includes:

  • Over 2,200 miles of water mains
  • 3 pressure zones
  • 5 re-pump stations
  • 50,000 valves
  • 14,000 hydrants
  • 1 water treatment facility

Our work crews, as well as private contractors, are continually at work ensuring that our customers have access to safe, high-quality drinking water.

Capital Improvement Projects





North Ybor Project

The North Ybor Project will improve the City of Tampa’s…

Hampton Terrace

The Hampton Terrace Project will improve the City of…

FY20 CIP Water Main Improvements Design-Build_15th St – GMP5

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

Empedrado St

The Empedrado St Project will improve the City of Tampa’…

Coachman Ave

The Coachman Ave Project will improve the City of Tampa’…


30% Design Completion

30% Design Completion
South Howard Water Improvement Project

The South Howard Water Improvement Project will improve…

30% Design Completion
Peter O Knight Project

The Peter O Knight Project will improve the City of…

30% Design Completion
Lois Ave

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

30% Design Completion
7th Ave

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

60% Design Completion

60% Design Completion
The Heights_2_8 Florida Ave and Tampa St Water Mains upgrade and relocation

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

60% Design Completion
Ola Ave

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

60% Design Completion
Golf View Flood Relief

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

60% Design Completion
FY20 CIP Water Main Improvements Design-Build_W Chelsea St Transmission – GMP 5

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

60% Design Completion
DLTWTF MP Task Order 007 Deep Well Injection

The purpose of this Task Order is to provide Engineering…

90% Design Completion

90% Design Completion

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

90% Design Completion
Gray Gables

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

90% Design Completion
FY20 CIP Water Main Improvements Design-Build_W Riverside Heights – GMP 5

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

90% Design Completion
FY20 CIP Water Main Improvements Design-Build_12th St – GMP 5

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

90% Design Completion
DLTWTF MP Task Order 008 Raw Water Pump Station

The project is to provide design of a new raw water…

90% Design Completion
DLT Master Plan DB Task Order 010 Ozone Improvements

The purpose of this project is to provide reliable and…

90% Design Completion
Comanche Ave

The Comanche Ave project will improve the City of Tampa’…

90% Design Completion
Armory Gardens

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…


Contract Negotiations

Contract Negotiations
Sitewide Electrical Improvement

This project is to design a new TECO House Building and…

Consultant/Contractor Selection Process

Consultant/Contractor Selection Process
DLTWTF Master Plan Task Order 013 Filter Improvements

The purpose of this project is to improve the existing…


Construction in Progress

Construction in Progress

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

Construction in Progress
Southeast Seminole Heights (GMP 2)

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

Construction in Progress
Palma Ceia Area 2 (AKA Phase III)

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

Construction in Progress
Morris Bridge Filter Roof Retro – COOP Site

Rehabilitation of the Filter Building will provide for…

Construction in Progress
Lower Peninsula

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

Construction in Progress
High Service Pump Station (GMP 2)

This project High Service Pump Station (HSPS) and…

Construction in Progress
FY20 CIP Water Main Improvements Design-Build_JFK Blvd - GMP 2

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

Construction in Progress
Foundation for Tampa’s Neighborhoods Project_Virginia Park Area

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

Construction in Progress
Foundation for Tampa’s Neighborhoods Project_MacFarlane Park Area

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

Construction in Progress
Foundation for Tampa’s Neighborhoods Project_East Tampa Area

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

Construction in Progress
Foundation for Tampa's Neighborhoods Project_Forest Hills Area

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

Construction in Progress
D. L. Tippin Chemical System Improvements

This project will involve improvements to the facility,…

Construction in Progress
Belmar Gardens

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…



Sunset Park West_A

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…


This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

East/West Columbus Drive

This project will replace the aging water mains in this…

DLTWTF Building Improvements

This project involves extensive renovation to the…