Parameter | Average | Units |
Ammonia as N | 0.15 | mg/L |
Chloride | 231 | mg/L |
Copper-Total | 0.002 | mg/L |
Hardness-Total, as CaCO3 | 297 | mg/L |
Iron-Total | 0.058 | mg/L |
Kjeldahl Nitrogen-Total as N | 1.57 | mg/L |
Nitrate-nitrite as N | 1.52 | mg/L |
Phosphorus-Total | 2.59 | mg/L |
Potassium-Total | 19.4 | mg/L |
Residue-nonfilterable (TSS)* | 0.7 | mg/L |
Sodium-Total | 268 | mg/L |
Specific conductance | 2099 | umhos/cm |
Sulfate as SO4 | 495 | mg/L |
Total Dissolved Solids | 1293 | mg/L |
Turbidity* | 0.99 | NTU |
Dissolved Oxygen | 7.38 | mg/L |
pH | 7.10 | pH units |
Definitions ¶
CaCO3: Calcium carbonate
mho: A unit of conductance. The conductance of a conductor in mhos is the reciprocal of its resistance in ohms.
Micromhos per centimeter (µmho/cm): 1/1,000,000 mhos per centimeter.
Milligrams per liter (mg/L): The quantity of material present in the water expressed on the basis of the weight (milligrams) per unit volume of solution (liter).
N: elemental Nitrogen
NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit): Measures the clarity of the water.
P: Inorganic Phosphorus
pH Units: The acidity or alkalinity of the water expressed as a negative common logarithm of the hydrogen-ion activity in moles per liter (< 7.0 acidic; > 7.0 alkaline).