Around Tampa Night Merged

MYC Impressions

Read what others have said about the Mayor's Youth Corps and the Mayor's Leadership Council.

"Going through MYC and MYLC has prepared me more for West Point academically than high school ever did... Having a prominent role in MYC and MYLC and attending as many events as possible were the best practice for time management and scheduling that I could have ever had. Planning and organizing Quarterly Events helped me more than any group project in high school and it has prepared me to work more efficiently with other cadets here at USMA." - CDT Dean LaGattuta


"Mayor's Youth Corps was the kick start I needed to realize my true potential and start building my future." - Christine Bocchino


"I have been provided with lifelong skills during my year in Mayor's Youth Corps. I have been taught skills that I will never learn in school." - Kameo James


"This has been an experience like no other. The opportunities gained from being in the Mayor's Youth Corps cannot be found anywhere else, and although at times it felt like a lot of work, it was always worth it." - Isabel Giavannetti


"It [Mayor's Youth Corps] taught me about being aware of my own ability to contribute to the community I live in - even if that's not Tampa. I learned how to accept people for who they were, even if we shared little in common at the beginning - we all grew so close because we all had a passion to serve others." - Leslie Kelly