Aerial of Riverfont Park

Information / FAQ

What are the core programs of MYC?

There are four core programs:

  1. Open Forums with the Mayor

Students have an opportunity to have an open discussion with the Mayor about current City events and ask questions. Open Forums occur three times a year, two forums are required.

  2. Leadership 101

Monthly sessions teach essential life skills for college and career success. Topics include public speaking, resume writing, and ethics.

  3. Community Service

This provides volunteer opportunities that focus on serving agencies that address hunger, homelessness, and poverty.

  4. MYC Mobile Journalism

This award-winning show is a youth-oriented television show that gives visibility to Tampa's youth. It allows them to have a voice with their peers and highlights current youth-oriented topics, such as prom, college applications, and community service. The crew is chosen by audition; however, all MYC members are required to participate in some way. MYC MO-JO videos can be viewed on the Mayor’s Youth Corps YouTube playlist

Who can apply for MYC?

Any student in 9, 10, or 11 grade who attends a public or private school within the Tampa city limits. Please see our list of participating schools.

How many students serve on MYC each year?

Up to 40 students are chosen annually to serve for one calendar year.

Do MYC students receive community service credit at their schools?

Public school MYC members receive credit for each contact hour they have at MYC activities. Private schools sometimes have different rules for the type of service that qualifies. The MYC office maintains records of service hours for all members.

Why can't MYC members serve more than one year?

The program is designed to expose as many students as possible to this experience. Students who successfully complete MYC and wish to remain involved may apply for a position on the Mayor's Youth Leadership Council. 

Aside from the core programs, what does MYC do?

  • Opportunity to attend City Council meetings.
  • Study the city's strong-mayor form of government.
  • Serve as ambassadors at various functions.

How is the MYC funded?

The city allocates funds annually to the Mayor's Youth Corps. Our corporate sponsor, JPMorgan, also provides additional funding. Grant opportunities, such as, from What Kids Can Do often provide additional resources.

Do MYC members attend conferences?

Yes. MYC delegates have attended the National Youth Summit and the National League of Cities Congressional Cities Conference; the National League of Cities Your City's Families Conference; and the National League of Cities Congress of Cities.

In addition, members have attended the Suncoast League of Cities and Florida League of Cities conferences.

How are MYC members selected to attend these conferences?

Members selected to represent the organization at out-of-state meetings must demonstrate a great attitude and have shown they have gone above and beyond in their work. Therefore, attendance records, the number of incidents of tardiness to events, and the number of missed deadlines are considered when making selections.