Aerial of Riverfont Park

Kennedy Boulevard Corridor District

Purpose and Intent:

The Kennedy Boulevard Corridor District is unique in its history and social and economic lineages. It serves as a gateway corridor that connects diverse neighborhoods within the City and exhibits special scenic characteristics.

The standards set forth in this district shall improve the aesthetic appearance of Kennedy Boulevard, connect roadways through the use of enhanced landscaping and buffering, and create form-based parameters to ensure compatible architectural elements are implemented throughout the corridor as a whole. Providing a form-based, aesthetic framework that promotes development that creates a sense of interest and promotes a physically attractive, functionally integrated environment is essential. Additionally, provisions are introduced that establish pedestrian and transit friendly design standards for this corridor.

This district shall ensure that all types of new infill development, major renovations, and major additions thereto, are compatible in building and structural orientation, location, height, public safety, and other site specific relationships present within the corridor.

Generally, new development and redevelopment is vital to the future stability and vitality of the City of Tampa as a whole. Redevelopment and infill brings with it new homes, employment opportunities, and economic development, which in turn, helps to increase overall tax revenues to fund needed capital improvement projects and important government services, such as police and fire services.

For development and safety purposes, the City of Tampa supports a Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) philosophy as a way to reduce crime, advance neighborhood and business environments, and improve the overall quality of life of its citizens. These CPTED principles have also been incorporated throughout the regulatory review process within this district to ensure safe, quality development.


 Kennedy Boulevard Overlay District

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Streetscape Plan (PDF) 

Streetscape Cross Section (PDF) 

Lighting Specifications 1 (PDF)