The commercial district at Howard and Main is one of the oldest districts in the City of Tampa, characterized by ornate architecture, a variety of uses, and many assets on which to create a vibrant mixed-use center. Main Street connects the commercial center to the Hillsborough River and the emerging developments at West River. It is a vital multi-modal connection with a rich cultural heritage. The Neighborhood Commercial District Plan establishes a vision for the area and identifies specific actions that will position the Main Street / West Tampa corridor as a vibrant, mixed-use neighborhood commercial center.
The Main Street Neighborhood Commercial District will be an attractive, vibrant commercial district that reflects the community’s rich history and culture. It will be safe, walkable, connected, thriving, and beautiful. Main Street and Howard Avenue will be a place where residents and visitors gather to socialize; and where residents can access the goods and services they want without the need to leave their neighborhood. The Plan for the District emphasizes ten key ideas for the future, centered around:
- Improve the Appearance of the District
- Address Vacant Buildings & Lots
- Promote Safety & Security
- Preserve and Connect with History
- Incorporate Existing Businesses Into the Plan
- Image, Marketing, and Promotion
- Connect with the West River area and the Waterfront
- Involve Everyone – Tap the Local Energy
- Turn Alleys Into Assets
- Provide Adequate Parking to support the growth of the District