Women Pushing a Stroller on Riverwalk

Transit Oriented Development

What is TOD?

TOD stands for Transit Oriented Development. It describes places designed to benefit from, and support investment in enhanced public transportation or transit service. However, TOD is more than just transportation. With TOD, transportation acts like a magnet and attracts other daily needs and activities to the area, creating an environment suited for people. Although TODs vary widely by area and character of development, they share many of the following characteristics:

  • Walkable & Connected - TODs encourage walking, with pedestrian-friendly streets and public spaces, buildings oriented to sidewalks, and areas designed to foster a sense of place. These are places with many travel choices, from local and regional transit, private cars, and delivery vehicles, to last-mile mobility like bike share, car share, and emerging forms of micro-mobility (scooters).
  • Dense & Diverse - TODs include density in housing, retail and services, employment, entertainment, and civic uses. This diversity in uses creates environments that meet changing markets, increase area resiliency, expand access to walkable destinations, and leverage public investment in transportation.
  • Context Sensitive - TOD is not one size fits all. These projects are unique to the neighborhoods they serve with a scale and intensity based on location and context. They offer uses to serve community needs and advance local objectives for place-making, community building, economic development, and neighborhood improvement.

Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART) Transit Oriented Development Planning Pilot

Funded by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA)

To learn more about FTA’s Pilot Program for TOD Planning, visit https://www.transit.dot.gov/TODPilot.

Study Overview:

The HART TOD Pilot Project is focused on the future of communities along the planned routes for HART’s Arterial Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)(External link) project and the City of Tampa's Streetcar Extension project. The project study area extends from Downtown Tampa to the University of South Florida (USF) along Florida and Fowler Avenues, with a section at the north end running from Florida Avenue to Fowler Avenue along Linebaugh Avenue and Nebraska Avenue. Project recommendations will focus on the future of communities within the study area and also be designed to be applicable to other transit corridors across the City of Tampa and Hillsborough County.

Project Goals 


TOD Framework for Tampa and Hillsborough County (Oct. 2022) - The TOD for Tampa & Hillsborough County report was completed as part of the HART TOD Pilot Project, a planning initiative focused on the future of communities along the planned routes for HART’s Arterial Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project and the City of Tampa’s Streetcar Extension project. The project is partially funded through the Federal Transit Administration’s Pilot Program for TOD Planning which provides funding to local communities to integrate land use and transportation planning in new fixed guideways and core capacity transit project corridors. The plan was prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc for the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority.

Download TOD For Tampa & Hillsborough County 

Palm Avenue Station Area Plan (Oct. 2022) - As part of the HART TOD Pilot Project, a Station Area Plan was completed to shape the future of places within walking distance of the planned streetcar stop on Palm Avenue between Tampa Street and Florida Avenue. The planning effort brought diverse stakeholders together to define a vision for the community and craft strategies to promote conservation and context-sensitive development, increase housing diversity and affordability, ensure safe mobility, and encourage transit-supportive development.

Download Palm Avenue Station Area Plan 

Supporting Documents:

Context Assessment (Feb. 2021)

Briefing Book (Feb. 2021)

Retail Market Analysis  (July 2021) 

Affordable Housing Report  (Sept. 2021) 

Other Resources: