Tampa Convention Center

Equal Business Opportunity Advisory Committee (EBOAC)

Sixteen (16) Members – 9 Mayoral appointments; 7 Council appointments – Terms for initial appointments are staggered for continuity - -all future appointments are for 2 years (24 months).  Appointments should represent a cross-section of contractors, service providers, and stakeholder organizations as well as ethnicity and gender.


Justice Gennari, Tampa Bay LGBT Chamber of Commerce - Chair

Danielle Hernandez, DVH Law -Vice Chair

Yanina Rosario, Florida SBDC @ USF Small Business Center -Secretary

Machelle Maner                              

Ernest Coney, Jr., CDC of Tampa

Janet Langham-Bishop, BST

Nicol Winkler, Polycreative

Ajay Malshe, HWH Law

Walinda McKnight-Green, Coventry WC Services

Ralph Smith, Computer Mentors

City EBO Representatives:

Gregory Hart, EBO Manager

Leta Perez, Business Support Specialist

Mission Statement:

To serve as a citizen advisory committee to

  • Promote the participation and use of SLBE (Small Local Business Enterprises) and, when authorized by law, WMBE (Women & Minority Business Enterprises) businesses in City contracting and procurement
  • Relay concerns of minority contractors, women contractors, non-minority contractors, and citizens at large to the City about the operation of the Women/Minority and Small Business program.


  • Serve as facilitator for minority, women, and small businesses available for participation in the City’s procurement process where goals are established.
  • Communicate with WMBEs and SLBEs about procurement opportunities.
  • Advise MBD and Administration regarding issues/concerns that affect WMBEs and SLBEs in contracting and procurement opportunities
  • Review all reports provided to City Council and include a statement within the Manager’s semi-annual report.
  • EBOAC Committee shall meet at least quarterly.

Send Information Submittals to:   EBO@tampagov.net