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Put a Lid On Leaks in Your Community

Leaks can account for up to one-quarter of water use inside the home. One of the biggest culprits - the toilet flapper. Most toilets have a rubber mechanism called a flapper that holds the water in the tank until it is flushed. Over time, usually about a year, the flappers may begin to warp and allow water to leak into the bowl. A leaking flapper can waste hundreds of gallons of water per day, and you may not be able to hear the leak. A malfunctioning flapper is easily diagnosed using specially designed, non-toxic dye tablets. Using the dye tablets requires no tools and no special skills.

The Tampa Water Department has designed a special door hanger with information on checking for flapper leaks that is available to community groups, school groups, environmental groups, Homeowner Associations, and individuals. These hangers, along with pre-packaged dye tablets, are available for distribution anywhere within the Tampa Water Department's service area, which includes most of Tampa and parts of Hillsborough County.  Use the City's Address Lookup feature to confirm service by the City of Tampa for your area.

If you would like to organize a volunteer event in your neighborhood to distribute "Put A Lid On Leaks" tools, call (813) 274-8121, option#5. The City of Tampa Water Department will provide your group with door hangers, dye tablets, maps, instructions, and other assistance that may be needed. While "Put A Lid On Leaks" materials distribution is a great volunteer event, there needs to be an organizer who is ultimately responsible for safety, watching traffic, and serving as the liaison with the Water Department. Please make sure that you have a responsible adult who can coordinate these activities.