The City of Tampa Fire Marshal's Office has adopted the Standard Fire Prevention Code, 1985 Edition, Chapter 31-Assembly Occupancies - as office policy. A permit is required for any occupancy which is defined as an assembly. A fee of $25.00 is required at the time of application. The application must be filled out by an authorized agent of the event sponsors. Any event over 300 persons requires an event layout (featuring exit locations and exact size of exits; net square footage of where the event is being held; type of assembly arrangement; all means of egress components; and if special effects or pyrotechnics are used or any cooking heating, LP, open flame devices are used.)Permit and event plan must be approved by this office 10 days prior to event, if at all possible.
Notice to event sponsors¶
Whenever it is essential for public safety in a place of public assembly or any other place where people congregate due to the number of persons, or the nature of the performance, exhibition, display, contest or activity. The Fire Marshal may require the employ of one or more experienced Inspectors to be on duty at such place. Said Inspectors shall be in uniform and remain on duty during the time such places are open to the public or such activity is being conducted. Event sponsors are responsible at the time of service rendered for payment to the Fire Inspector.
Class C* Assembly 50 to 299
May require fire watch / Fire Inspector staffing
Class B* Assembly 300 to 1000
Occupant Loads
50 - 600 1 Fire Inspector
Over 600 1 Fire Inspector
Class A* Assembly over 1000
Over 1000 2 Fire Inspectors or more as determined by the Fire Marshal