- Consumes less energy
- Operates energy efficiently
- Conserves water
- Protects natural resources on site
- Minimizes waste
- Is comfortable, safe and healthy
- Is durable and maintainable with minimal environmental impact
Why Build Green?¶
Florida's per-household consumption of electricity is amongst the highest in the United States, largely because the state's hot and humid weather drives up electricity demand for air-conditioning.
Environmental Benefits¶
- Enhance and protect biodiversity and ecosystems
- Improve air and water quality
- Reduce waste streams
- Conserve and restore natural resources
Economic Benefits¶
- Reduce operating costs
- Create, expand and shape markets for green products and services
- Improve occupant productivity
- Optimize life-cycle economic performance
Social Benefits¶
- Enhance occupant comfort and health
- Heighten aesthetic qualities
- Minimize strain on local infrastructure
- Improve overall quality of life
Fast-Track Review for Green Construction¶
Tampa Green Fast Track Review is available to anyone wishing to build an environmentally sustainable or "green" project. Once approved, your plans are moved to the "front of the line" for review at the Construction Services Center.
There are two options for Tampa Green Fast Track Review:
- Option A is available for any project, but required for commercial projects over 5,000 square feet. All commercial construction greater than 5,000 square feet must be registered with a third party rating system.
- Option B, Tampa's Green Fast Track Checklist, is available for all residential projects and commercial projects under 5,000 square feet.
If you have any questions contact us via the customer service center or by phone at (813) 274-8403