Twiggs Street from Ashley Drive to Nebraska Ave

Project Location

Project Overview

Project ID: 1001660     |     Department ID:  TRANS20091     |     Contract No.: TBD

As part of the Tampa M.O.V.E.S. (Mobility, Opportunity, Vision, Equity, and Safety) initiative, the city plans to host several opportunities for residents to engage and provide input on how they envision Tampa transforming in the next 30 years. The Twiggs Street project started as part of the Florida Department of Transportation’s County Incentive Program. Tampa was awarded a grant for the segment between Ashley Drive and Nebraska Avenue. Because the segment between Nebraska Avenue and Channelside Drive is on the City’s High Injury Network – streets with the highest incidence of fatal and severe injury crashes – it is also being reviewed with a focus on safety and multimodal challenges and opportunities. Public workshops and stakeholder meetings were conducted during the spring and summer of 2023. Input from those meetings was reviewed and the design team (ALFKA) developed a concept that seeks to best satisfy the public input that was received. The design will be finalized in 2025 after a final public meeting. The previous public input and current concept for the corridor are provided below.


How to get involved:

Your comments are valuable to us and we want you to get involved!  Please use the tools below to provide your input.

  1. Send Email Comments to the Project Manager, Riley Parks, P.E.

  2. A Public Meeting is being developed for 2025 and will be announced soon.