TAMPA’S QUICK BUILD Program uses materials like paint, signs, and pavement markings to implement projects in a shorter time and at a lower cost compared to traditional methods. The design for these projects draws on new, nationally recognized standards for safe street design. As part of the City’s Vision Zero efforts, these quick build projects focus on providing safety enhancements for all users.
The primary purpose of these projects is to provide lower-cost, quick implementation projects that are flexible & designed to be easily changed. Projects with lower-cost semi-permanent materials that have a shorter lifespan, and are quickly executed.
In Progress¶
- 19th Street: 15th Avenue to Park Cir
- Howard | Armenia Avenue: Swann Avenue to Kennedy Boulevard
- Main Street: Armenia Avenue to Delaware Avenue
- Morgan Street: Brorein Street to Fortune Street
- Whiting Street: Ashley Drive to Jefferson Street
- Cass Street: N Boulevard to W of Tyler Street
- Cleveland Street: RR Crossing West of Willow Avenue to Parker Street
- Main Street: MacDill Avenue to Armenia Avenue
- 14th Street (Avenida República de Cuba): Columbus Drive to Lake Avenue