Requests for repairs to existing traffic signs or signals, or for new traffic control devices can be submitted directly to the Department's Call Center at (813) 274-3101, 24/7, 365 days per year.
Existing Device Maintenance Requests¶
The City of Tampa maintains over 88,000 traffic control signs of which thousands are replaced or repaired annually, and over 550 signalized intersections within the City limits.
You can also report a maintenance concern online via the following links when the situation does NOT require immediate attention:
- Traffic Signal Timing Concern
- Traffic Sign Repair Request (for missing, damaged, or obstructed traffic signs)
- Street Marking Request (Repair)
For damaged, missing, or non-functioning STOP, YIELD, One-Way, or Do Not Enter signs or Traffic Signals, please contact the Tampa Police Department at (813) 231-6130 for immediate attention.
New Device Installation Requests¶
Stop sign and traffic signal installations must confirm to the U.S. Department of Transportation Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices. This manual requires that a study be conducted to determine if a new installation is warranted, which includes, among other things, traffic and pedestrian volumes, number and type of accidents at the location, and sight distances.
New installations of stop signs and traffic signals cannot occur unless a warrant study is conducted.
You can also submit a request for a new traffic control device online via the following links: