Project Overview¶
Project ID: TBD | Department ID: TRANS20014 | Contract No.: NA
TAMPA’S QUICK BUILD Program uses materials like paint, signs, and pavement markings to implement projects in a shorter time and at a lower cost compared to traditional methods. The design for these projects draws on new, nationally recognized standards for safe street design. As part of the City’s Vision Zero efforts, these quick build projects focus on providing safety enhancements for all users.
This project consists of a quarter mile cycle track which spans the bridge over the Hillsborough River. The project fills a gap in the existing Cass Street cycle track and reconnects residents on foot or bike from West Tampa with the Straz Center, the Tampa Museum of Art, Downtown offices, sports arenas, and the Riverwalk.
The cycle track over the Cass Street Bridge now separates vehicles from bicyclists with the use of bike curbing and vertical delineators.
Benefits to the Community:
The project provides bicycle connectivity with a protected cycle track and increased signal timing for pedestrians to cross the Riverwalk at Cass Street & Tyler Street.
- Protected cycle track provides a safer connection across the river
- Shorter pedestrian crossing distance at North Boulevard
- Added micro-mobility hub for scooter parking by University of Tampa