Aerial of Riverfont Park

News & Public Notices

News Mayor Office, News General, News Transportation and Stormwater Services

On Monday, Sept. 21, Mayor Jane Castor will be joined by Congresswoman Kathy Castor to discuss the $24 million BUILD Grant the City of Tampa received from the U.S. Department of Transportation.…

News Mayor Office, News Art and Cultural Affairs, News General, News Transportation and Stormwater Services

In celebration of the City of Tampa’s fifth Crosswalks to Classrooms project at Broward Elementary School, on Friday, September 19th at 11 am, Mayor Jane Castor and Jacobs, a local…

News Mayor Office, News General, News Housing and Community Development

Today, Tampa City Council approved the City of Tampa to purchase a privately-owned downtown lot in order to build additional affordable housing units. The City of Tampa is moving forward with…

News Mayor Office, News General

Last night the Tampa City Council unanimously approved the budget for the Fiscal Year 2021, focused on the theme of Lift Up Local and centered around 5 strategic goals that are supported by a…

News Mayor Office, News General

In an effort to practice safe social-distancing we will be holding a media availability via Facebook Live at 4:00 pm today.WHO: Mayor Jane Castor and Erik Maltais, CEO of ImmertecWHAT: Facebook Live…

News Mayor Office, News General

Starting at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 17, there will be lane closures on N Ashley Drive between E Kennedy Boulevard and E Tyler Street for shoulder and median work. Cones and barrels will in…

News Mayor Office

PRESS CONFERENCE TO HONOR LT. BALDOMERO LOPEZ DURING NATIONAL HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH ON 9/15 AT NOONHistoric City Hall to be Illuminated in Red, White in Blue in Honor of the Medal of Honor…

News Mayor Office, News General, News Solid Waste

Today, Mayor Jane Castor will host Mayor of West Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic for a key presentation as the City of Tampa gifts West Santo Domingo a refuse collection vehicle. WHO: City of…

News Tampa Police

Incident Date/Time:  9/13/2020 at 11:09 PMLocation:  1266 E. 113th AveBusiness Name:  Tzadik Oaks ApartmentsIncident Type:  HomicideDetails:  Tampa Police were dispatched to…

News Mayor Office, News General

Historic City Hall to be Illuminated in Red, White in Blue in Honor of the Medal of Honor Recipient Mayor Jane Castor, Councilman Luis Viera and Judge E.J. Salcines will mark the start of…

News Mayor Office, News Art and Cultural Affairs, News General

Mayor Castor Appoints Gianna Russo as Wordsmith TAMPA, FL (September 11, 2020) Mayor Jane Castor has appointed the City’s first Wordsmith, local writer and educator, Gianna Russo. As part of the…

News Transportation and Stormwater Services, News Transportation Advisories and Road Closures

The Right-of-Way (ROW) Permitting Office is now under the Mobility Department headed by Vik Bhide, Director, and the staff will report directly to Brandon Campbell, P.E., PTOE, Smart Mobility…

News Tampa Police

Determined that no case is ever considered "cold", Tampa Police Latent Investigators and Detectives were able to identify and arrest the suspect using technology not as advanced at the time of the…

News Parks and Recreation, News COVID-19, News General

Starting Monday, September 14, the Tampa Parks and Recreation Department will reopen the following:Athletic fields: all organized field use is coordinated through our Athletics Office and can be…

News Water Department, News General, News Transportation Advisories and Road Closures

The Tampa Water Department will begin the next phase of this project which will temporarily affect traffic patterns along the following streets intermittently:Along W. Tampa Bay Boulevard, starting…

News Tampa Police

Incident Date/Time: 9/10/2020 at 11:26 PMLocation: 1520 W Kennedy BlvdIncident Type: RobberyBusiness Name: McDonald'sSuspect Info: B/M 5'08-5'11, muscular build, short balding hair, possibly late 20'…

News Convention Center

 Big things are happening at the Tampa Convention Center, with exciting upgrades coming to our facility.Multiple capital improvement projects are currently underway at the Tampa Convention…

News Convention Center

Location, location, location! The American Planning Association recently announced that the Tampa Riverwalk won their Greatest Places in America: People’s Choice Award. This award recognizes an…

News Convention Center

Aramark Food & Beverage, the Tampa Convention Center’s exclusive provider, who has partnered with Roger Perry, founder of DATZ, has opened a satellite location at the Center adjacent to the…

News Convention Center

The Tampa Convention Center’s AV partners, Encore, created a beautiful and elaborate setup last week for the Juice Plus Live conference.Encore Event Technologies is the leading provider of unique,…

News Convention Center

The Tampa Boat Show is sailing through the convention center this weekend, bringing with it impressive boats and yachts of all sizes. Over 400 boats and yachts have dropped anchor at the convention…

News Mayor Office, News Tampa Riverwalk, News Transportation and Stormwater Services

The City of Tampa, thanks to our federal partners, was awarded $24,000,000 in federal funding from the US Department of Transportation as part of their Better Utilizing Investment to Leverage…

News Convention Center

As one of the premier conference facilities in the Southeast, our venue attracts countless people each year—-which also means countless drivers who need to park their vehicles. Fortunately, with a…

News Mayor Office, News General

In an effort to practice safe social-distancing we will be holding a media availability via Facebook Live at 4:30 pm today. WHO: Mayor Jane Castor and Brian Ford, Chief Operating Officer of the…

News Mayor Office, News General

Tampa teens wanting to give back to their community and looking for glimpse into the workings of City Hall are invited to apply for seats on the Mayor’s Youth Corps. The Mayor’s Youth Corps is…