Boats in Harbor

News & Public Notices

News Internal Audit

The Hillsborough County Aviation Authority (HCAA) is required by federal regulation to provide Aircraft Rescue Firefighting on its premises as one of the conditions for certification. To comply with…

News Internal Audit

The Parks and Recreation (P&R) Department’s Planning, Design, and Natural Resources is responsible for the collection of ideas and suggestions for P&R projects. The report in its entirety can…

News Internal Audit

The Budget Office balances multiple financial management objectives when issuing debt for the City of Tampa (City). These objectives include analyzing all available financing options and selecting an…

News Internal Audit

The Tampa Convention Center (TCC) is located on the Tampa waterfront, offering 600,000 square feet of space with exhibition halls, ballrooms, and meeting rooms. TCC is owned and operated by the City…

News Internal Audit

The City of Tampa (City) Wastewater Department (Department) collects, treats, and disposes of more than 55 million gallons of wastewater per day for over 100,000 customer accounts within the City and…

News Internal Audit

Stormwater Engineering is a division in the City of Tampa’s Mobility Department. Some of its responsibilities include construction, operation, and maintenance of Tampa's stormwater system with…

News Internal Audit

The Water Department’s (Department) Engineering Division (ED) provides services to the Department’s other two divisions (Production and Distribution). The ED consists of the Design team and the…

News Internal Audit

The Fleet Management Division provides vehicle and equipment repair services, fueling, and fleet acquisition and disposal services for the City of Tampa's more than 3,000 vehicles and pieces of…

News Internal Audit

The Aviation Unit (Unit) is a support function for the street patrol officers of the Tampa Police Department (Police) and has three helicopters – one Bell 206L4 and two Bell 407s. The Unit also…

News Internal Audit

The Evidence Control Section for the Tampa Police Department (TPD) is assigned the responsibility for receiving, recording, and permanently storing items that become the custody of TPD while…

News General, News Internal Audit

The Business Tax Division (BTD) operates as part of the City of Tampa’s Neighborhood and Community Affairs Department. BTD’s areas of responsibility comprise the issuance of tax receipts and…

News Internal Audit

The Department of Solid Waste and Environmental Program Management operates an integrated solid waste management system designed to reduce volume of solid waste while meeting the needs for safe and…

News General, News Internal Audit

The City of Tampa (COT) implemented the Customer Service Center system in 2003 to facilitate efficient and centralized communications between citizens and its various departments. COT department…

News General, News Internal Audit

The Contract Administration Department (CAD) was created by Executive Order 2005-1 and consists of three (3) divisions: City Architect, Contracts Management, and Construction Engineering and…

News Internal Audit

The Parking Division of the Mobility Department is responsible for the operation of all City of Tampa public parking. The Division develops parking policy and specific facility expansion plans to…

News General, News Internal Audit

CIPs are initially identified by departments based on their experiences, infrastructure needs, industry standards, COT development plans, and various other factors. Annually,…

News Internal Audit

The Business Tax section of Neighborhood Enhancement is responsible for registering properties. Information is obtained primarily by a property owner submitting a registration form through the City…

News Internal Audit

The Tampa Police Department provides a supplementary service to the public by allowing uniformed officers to engage in extra duty police work. This may include police officers assigned to special…

News Internal Audit

The Revenue and Finance Department, Banking Division oversees the processes for wire transfers and investment of public funds for the City of Tampa. Wire Transfers management restricts access to…

News Internal Audit

The Tampa Fire Rescue Department has 23 stations and is responsible for the mitigation of almost all fire, medical emergencies, heavy rescue and hazardous material situations, which occur within the…

News Internal Audit

Vehicle and equipment repairs can be completed through the sublet process rather than by the Fleet Division. Sublet repairs are performed by third party vendors that have contracts with City of Tampa…

News Internal Audit

The Grants Office for the City of Tampa is a section within the Revenue and Finance Department. The stated mission of the area is “to provide technical, professional, and administrative support for…

News Internal Audit

The City of Tampa Water Department operates a complex water distribution system that adheres to multilayered regulatory requirements. Within the Department, the Reactive Operations Team operates as a…

News Internal Audit

Park Services is a division of the City of Tampa’s Parks & Recreation Department. Its primary purpose is to maintain City-operated parks, playgrounds, cemeteries, and some adjacent right-of-ways…

News Internal Audit

The Technology & Innovation Department’s Radio & Electronics Division provides installation, repair, preventative maintenance, and consultation services for a multitude of communication and…