Around Tampa Night Merged

Delayed Crime Reporting Forms

If you were directed to fill out a reporting form, please locate the applicable form name in the list, fill it out and submit to the officer that directed you this page.

Each form has fields that may be filled in using your computer prior to a printout:

  • False Offense Affidavit

    The affidavit used by citizens when reporting crimes with unusual circumstances as required by the Tampa Police Department.  This form should only be used if you are directed by a police department employee to complete one.  [Download Form ]

  • Complaint Withdrawal Affidavit

    This form can be used to indicate the desire of a victim or complainant to withdraw a complaint.  The complaint may or may not be pursued, depending on the severity of the crime, the type of crime, and what stage the prosecution has reached in that case. [Download Form ]

  • Supplemental Property Loss Form

    This form is used to add stolen property omitted from the original report or discovered after it was initially filed.  Be sure to include your original report number, name, and the address of where the offense occurred.  This form may also be used to add information about an item already reported such as the serial number or further description.  Be sure to indicate the item was already listed in the original report.  [Download Form ]

  • Alarm User Registration Form

    This form is used to register your security alarm with the Tampa Police Department.  Please refer to the False Alarm Reduction Unit section of the DCIU web pages for further details.  [Download Form ]

  • Missing Persons Affidavit

    This form is required when filing missing persons or runaway juvenile reports.  [Download Form ]

  • Vehicle Stolen from Inventory

    This form is used by auto rental and sales companies when reporting thefts from inventory.   [Download Form ]