The District Two Office is located at 9330 N. 30th St. Tampa, FL 33612 .
The main number for District Two is 813.931.6500
Neighborhood Watch - 813.931.6541
Find your District, Sector, and Grid.
The District Two Patrol Division serves Tampa's northern portion with uniformed officer patrols, Street Anti-Crime (SAC) squads, and property crime detectives. Some of the points of interest in District Two are; Busch Gardens, the University of South Florida, and the Tampa Palms and Hunters Green are frequently referred to as "New Tampa." They work with civic and neighborhood watch associations in order to improve the quality of life for citizens that reside in this district. The uniformed officers are deployed on four days on, four days off work cycle (see shift cycle calendar) with fourteen squads averaging twelve officers per squad. The uniformed officers are the highly visible components of the department and are the officers who typically respond to calls for service in Tampa.
DLIS - District Latent Investigation Squad¶
A squad of plainclothes detectives, the District Latent Investigation Squad is assigned to District Two for latent investigation of crimes against property, robbery, auto theft, and economic crimes occurring in the area encompassed by the district. Part of the squad is also charged with conducting latent investigations on different types of assaults ranging from minor to serious.
Street Anti-Crime Squads¶
Street Anti-Crime Officers, known as SAC, focus on high crime areas. They are armed with intelligence about repeat offenders and crime patterns in their zones so they can more rapidly identify suspects, solve crimes and prevent additional crimes from occurring. These officers immediately begin the follow-up investigation in concert with Patrol before a detective is assigned to a case. The SAC squads provide investigative enforcement concerning street-level crimes such as robberies, prostitution, "big five" crimes, and other crimes directed against persons and property. They coordinate between Patrol and District Detective Squads to ensure all entities are sharing intelligence and working together to address crime patterns. This supervisor also serves as a key point of contact for citizens, which has enhanced working relationships with the community.
Crime Prevention¶
A Crime Prevention Unit is assigned to each district which includes a sworn police officer and a civilian employee. The team works together in conjunction with community and business leaders in order to improve the quality of life of citizens within their districts. They work daily with citizens within their respective districts in order to solve various quality of life problems such as; overgrown properties, loud music complaints, elderly affairs issues, etc. The team also strives to inform and educate citizens on prevention tactics designed to prevent property crimes such as; home burglaries, auto theft, and auto burglaries. The team also encourages citizens to become involved in a Neighborhood Watch Program, this is a program created to enlist the time and talents of volunteers for the purpose of crime prevention. Informed and alert citizens who look out for one another are more likely to prevent crimes in their neighborhoods by reporting suspicious behavior to the Police.
School Resource Officers¶
In 1975, the Tampa Police Department and the Hillsborough County School Board established the School Resource Officer Program. This program has the responsibility of combating crime on a pre-delinquent basis as well as helping our young community understand the functions of law enforcement and the importance of safety. We also increase safety, security, and prevent violence within schools.
District 2 has 9 School Resource Officers and 1 Corporal with direct contact with approximately 10,000 students at the following schools on a yearly basis:
High Schools: Freedom and Chamberlain
Middle Schools: Sulphur Springs K-8, Sligh, Van Buren, Adams, Liberty, and Benito
Charter Schools: Brooks-Debartolo and Pepin Academy
Truancy Center
*Source: Esri forecasts for 2022 and 2027. U.S. Census Bureau 2010 decennial Census data converted by Esri into 2020 geography.