Downtown Tampa View

Potholes and Street Repairs

Resurfacing Street

Requests for street repairs or resurfacing may be submitted directly via the Transportation and Stormwater Services Call Center at (813) 274-3101.

Requests for services may also be submitted online via the following links:

The City provides street repair services in the event that potholes, cave ins, or depressions occur.  When requesting street repairs, please be ready to provide the location, quantity, and severity of the distress. Additionally, if the subject distress creates a significant disruption in the flow of traffic, please inform the dispatcher that a barricade may be required.

Water damage is the usual reason for potholes, which is also the reason more potholes occur during the rainy season.  During these times it may take longer than a week to respond to requests because of the work volume.  Asphalt can not be applied effectively in wet conditions. 

The City strives to make repairs within 72 business hours upon receipt of work order in the location requested. In the event of a large rainstorm, repairs may require additional time due to the volume of calls the customer service center may receive and the challenges in weather conditions - Asphalt cannot be effectively applied in wet conditions.

City Pavement Management Program

The City focuses significant resources on an annual basis in the preservation of its 2,800 paved lane miles of streets.  The City's street network consists of approximately 16 million square yards of asphalt roadway of which 400,000 square yards are resurfaced annually.  Additionally, City crews repair 15,000 potholes annually.

The City operates a scheduled street repaving program, Capital Resurfacing, in which locations are prioritized by the condition of the existing pavement.  Some roads may warrant repaving, but may be deferred to later years because another project is planned in the near future (such as a water or sewer line replacement).