Project Description¶
City Project No: 1001179
This project provides for safety, multimodal, and operational improvements.
This project provides roadway improvements to relieve congestion, improve safety, and provide bike/pedestrian connectivity along Lois Ave from W Cleveland St to W Boy Scout Blvd. The City is currently evaluating conceptual design alternatives which include:
- Addition of a 12 ft. multi-use trail on the east side of the roadway.
- Reconfiguration of lane widths with the addition of 4 ft bike lanes in both directions.
- Reconfiguration of lane widths with the addition of 4 ft bike lanes in both directions as well as an 8 ft sidewalk on the east side of the roadway.
The project will also include operational and safety improvements at the Cypress St intersection. Alternatives for consideration include the addition of left-turn lanes, pedestrian refuge islands, and mid-block crossings as feasible.
The City will conduct public involvement and community outreach to share with and solicit input from the residents and businesses of the surrounding neighborhoods.