The mission of the Military Affairs Liaison is to provide support to improve the quality of life for Tampa’s Veterans out in the community and within our own TPD Family.
Local Military Employment Consultant for Veterans who are separated from service and Local Military Readiness Consultant for DoD Card Holders:
Email Detective Susan Libertz at tpdvets@tampagov.net with the details. She will forward it to the consultant.
USERRA: Uniformed Services Employment & Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA 38 U.S.C. 4301-4335)
U.S. Dept. of Labor USERRA website
USERRA is neutral. It offers guidance for both the employer and the employee in areas such as:.
- How long can an employee be gone for military duty?
- What does an employee run out of military hours?
- Does an employee have to provide notice of military duty?
- Does an employer have to maintain the deployed employee’s position upon their return?
An offshoot of United Way Suncoast, Mission United in Tampa enables military veterans and their families to successfully acclimate back to civilian life. By forming a coordinated network of community partners, we provide veterans and their families with a single entry point to the help they need.
This non-profit specializes in helping transitioning military Veterans & their families learn to utilize the powerful networking & job search technology of LinkedIn. They also provide personal introductions to supportive, military-friendly professionals in the civilian world!
This program is designed to help with the transition, including mental and/or physical issues.
Northbound Addiction Treatment Services
Staff and volunteer Intervention Specialists provide immediate and confidential short-term crisis intervention, and information & referral to over 4,600 human services available in Hillsborough County, including resources for: basic needs for food, rent, clothing, shelter and utilities, relationship counseling, senior services, health and substance abuse issues, depression and suicide, teenage issues, parenting help, disaster assistance, legal affairs and financial support.
The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay
Provides services to help deal with sexual assault or abuse, domestic violence, financial distress, substance abuse, medical emergency, suicidal thoughts and emotional or situational problems. They also operate the 2-1-1 information referral system
James A. Haley VA Hospital - 13000 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Tampa, FL 33612 (map) - (813) 972-2000
James A. Haley VA Hospital is a BA-52 receiving facility and will accept anyone who claims they are a VETERAN regardless of proof of status.
EXAMPLE: A subject states they are a Veteran but cannot provide a DD Form 214 or DoD Identification. Although they cannot provide ID they will still be processed at James P. Haley. If they DO NOT provide identification, please call the Suicide Prevention Team at (813) 972-2000 extension 6617. They will assist the Veteran with securing ID.
Military OneSource 800-342-9647
Provides free NON-MEDICAL, CONFIDENTIAL counseling for the above listed members and separated members for an additional 365 days post-separation.
Military OneSource provides active-duty, Guard and Reserve service members (regardless of activation status) and their immediate family members with information, referral, and consultation at no cost. These services include non-medical counseling, online resources, educational materials, webinars, newsletters, outreach teams in each state, tax support and many other services. This personalized support is available 24/7 no matter where you live or serve.
A member is covered up to 365 days POST-military separation (Active, Reserve, Guard, IMA – Coast Guard when activated with the Navy)
Examples of Military OneSource Programs:
- Family and Relationship Counseling
- Financial and Legal Assistance
- Free Tax Prep
- Health and Wellness
- Education and Employment
- Free Tutoring
- MANGO (free online language programs/compared to Rosetta Stone)
Florida Veterans Support Line 1-844-MYFLVET (693-5838)
When a veteran calls 1-844-MyFLVet, they will speak with someone who is trained to provide immediate emotional support . The veteran can also be referred to both VA and non-VA resources including private, non-profit organizations, community programs, and local government services. Help is available regardless of discharge status. A list of the organizations answering calls to the Florida Veteran Support Line can be found at: https://flvetsupportline.squarespace.com/about
Veterans Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255
The Vet Center (Military Sexual Trauma)
They provide readjustment counseling. Vet Center services are also provided to family members of Veterans and Service members for military-related issues when it is found to aid in the readjustment of those that have served. This includes bereavement counseling for families who experience an active duty death.
Veterans Counseling Veterans, Inc
A network of mental health counselors who are Veterans too. They take TRICARE and private insurance. Some have sliding scales based on income.
The LIFE Center of the Suncoast
The LIFE Center is a collection of counselors who provide individual, family, and group counseling following a death of a loved one or trauma. Survivors of violent crime receive counseling for free through a state grant. They also offer Grief Support Groups for children, teens, spousal loss, and survivors of sexual trauma.
Florida Veteran Navigator Direct Number
Florida Veteran Navigator Direct Number (850) 300-4673 to assist with:
- Housing
- Medical Treatment
- Education
- Legal Assistance
- Childcare
- Finance & Budgeting
- Employment
- Transportation
- Substance Abuse Treatment
- Utility Payment Assistance
- VA Benefits
Metropolitan Ministries (website) - 2301 North Tampa Street (map) 813-209-1200
The Red Cross supports military families during deployments and emergencies, including sending emergency messages to and from a deployed area.