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In 2019, Mayor Castor and the Transportation Advisory Team released five strategic recommendations to address a number of mobility related issues facing the city of Tampa. These recommendations include,

  • Implement strategic transit projects
  • Focus on trails and greenways as transportation options
  • Adopt Vision Zero as a Citywide policy
  • Reinvent urban parking & mobility
  • Enhance neighborhood engagement

Tampa M.O.V.E.S. (Mobility, Opportunity, Vision, Equity, and Safety) is the City of Tampa's new transportation plan to address these recommendations. The plan is based on extensive public input to define the City's mobility goals. Tampa M.O.V.E.S outlines transportation objectives and initiatives for the next 30 years, with an emphasis on memorializing the City’s strategic vision. The plan provides a number of policy and program recommendations to prioritize capital transportation improvements to result in a healthier, safer, and more connected city. 


Mobility for all - Economic Opportunity - Vision for Strong Neighborhoods - Transportation Equity - Safety