Tampa Kayaker Sunset

Internet Crimes Against Children

ICAC - Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program logo

The Tampa Police Cyber Crimes squad is part of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program. ICAC is a national network ​of 61 coordinated task forces representing over 4,500 federal, state, and local law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies. These agencies are continually engaged in proactive and reactive investigations and prosecutions of persons involved in child abuse and exploitation involving the Internet. The Tampa Police Department is part of the Central Florida Task Force.

You can report suspicion of child sexual exploitation to your local police, your ICAC Task Force, or the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's CyberTipline (www.cybertipline.com or 1-800-843-5678). For resources and tips for parents and kids, visit NCMEC’s NetSmartz website at www.netsmartz.org or the ICAC Task Force website at https://www.icactaskforce.org/.