Shoplifters come from every walk of life and can cost your business thousands of dollars every year. Shoplifters may be young people doing it for a thrill all the way up to professional shoplifters making a living stealing from you. There are many strategies to prevent shoplifting and we'll discuss several here. Employees: Your first and best line of defense against shoplifters are your employees. Their attentiveness and understanding can often make the difference. Display & Layout Approaches: How your store is arranged can give or take away shoplifting opportunities. Fitting/Dressing Rooms: Dressing rooms present another challenge in the prevention of shoplifting. You cannot see into the rooms so you must use controls to limit the shoplifter's ability to use your dressing rooms to facilitate theft. Price Switching: Thieves will sometimes attempt to change the correct price by switching the sticker with an item of lesser value. Shoplifter Methods: Shoplifters use a variety of methods to accomplish their crimes. Being familiar with how they do it will help in recognizing where, when and who to watch Florida State Statute 812.015 states a merchant can, upon probable cause, detain a person to recover property in a reasonable manner and for a reasonable length of time. Law enforcement must be called to the scene immediately after such a detention. You may also wish to consult with an attorney to help develop you policies concerning the detention of any suspected shoplifters. |
Commercial Shoplifting
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