Stay with the Abuser
Call the police if you are being abused.
Attend a support group, call (813) 621-7233.
File Criminal Charge
Call the police.
Sends a message to the abuser that abuse will no longer be tolerated.
Police may arrest on scene.
After arrest, abuser will be jailed until a bond hearing is held, usually within 8-36 hours.
Release is contingent on abuser's good behavior.
File Injunction for Protection
May prohibit further violent contact, order no contact, or remove abuser from the home.
File with the Domestic Violence Court Clerk at the main courthouse in Hillsborough County or the courthouse in Plant City.
If the order is violated, you must contact the court.
If the abuser is removed, change all the door locks.
Make a personal safety plan.
Leave the Abuser
Go to The Spring, Hillsborough County's Domestic Violence Center. The 24-hour emergency hotline is (813) 247-SAFE (7233).