The Tampa Police Department's Auxiliary/Reserve Force's primary purpose is to provide additional personnel for special events or during emergencies. Reserve Officers also augment patrol divisions assisting with police calls for service. Civic minded, volunteer Reserve Officers give back to the community by helping maintain public order and fostering a positive public image.
What Tampa Police Auxiliary/Reserve Force Officers Do?¶
Eligibility Requirements¶
Applicants must possess an active Florida Law Enforcement Certification issued by FDLE. The certification can either be an Auxiliary or Full Law Enforcement Certification. Applications for the Reserve Force will not be accepted without the applicant having an active Florida Law Enforcement Certification.
All uniforms and equipment are provided by the City of Tampa at no cost with the exception of footwear.
Newly appointed Reserve Officers are assigned to a comprehensive Field Training & Evaluation Program.
Volunteer Requirements¶
Reserve Officers are required to work a minimum of 15 hours a month of volunteer time including a monthly training class. Meetings are mandatory unless excused through the Reserve Force chain of command.
Reserve Officers are "non-compensated" employees covered under the same benefits as full-time officers while on duty. Extra-duty assignments are compensated to Reserve Officers the same as full-time Officers.
Want to Join the Auxiliary/Reserve Force?¶
Contact our Training Unit at (813) 956-8715 and ask to speak with the Reserve Force Coordinator.