Cross Creek Blvd Widening

The City of Tampa conducted a Project, Development and Environment (PD&E) Study  to explore the potential to widen Cross Creek Boulevard., between West Cory Lake Blvd. and Morris Bridge Road.  The PD&E Study was completed on February 2010.

This project provides for widening of Cross Creek Boulevard from 2-lane undivided to 4-lane divided roadway with 5 foot paved shoulders, including a 6 foot sidewalk and 12 foot multi-purpose trail to accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians. The design phase is anticipated to be completed during FY2012.

The Location Design Acceptance letter  , from the Federal Highway Administration and the Florida Department of Transportation, is also available.

A public meeting was held on February 28, 2012, and an informational flyer   was handed out at the meeting.