Harbour Island Complete Streets

Knights Run Ave from S Harbour Island Blvd to Beneficial Drive; Beneficial Drive from Knights Run Ave to Channelside Dr. are four-lane divided local collector roads with posted speeds of 30 MPH and 40 MPH, respectively and average daily traffic volume of approximately between 15, 380 to 16,560 vehicles per day. The area serves both commercial and residential uses. This project will improve safety and traffic flow for motorists, bicycles and pedestrians. The proposed improvements include:
• Rehabilitating of existing roadway.
• Implementing of traffic calming measures for safety enhancements by installing two raised pedestrian crosswalks, AND narrowing the travel lanes to ten (10) feet.
• Installing bicycle lanes.

• Rehabilitating of existing roadway from Knights Run Ave to the Beneficial Bridge.
• Installing bicycle lanes and adding a 2-ft buffer to the proposed bicycle lane on the Beneficial Bridge.
• Narrowing the travel lanes to ten (10 feet) and reducing the posted speed limit from 40 MPH to 25 MPH.

Please note: This Project is unrelated to the Wastewater Pipeline Project.

The City of Tampa Transportation and Stormwater Services Department conducted a public information meeting for this project at the following date and location:

Address: 801 Old Water Street , Tampa, FL 33602, TECO HALL
Day/Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Harbour Island Fact Sheet 

Public Meeting Presentation