InVision: Tampa Streetcar Extension

Tampa Streetcar by City Hall

Tampa Streetcar by City Hall

The Tampa Historic Streetcar System is a 2.7-mile long streetcar transportation network that provides a unique connection from downtown Tampa and the Channelside District to the Ybor City historic district. In the past, the system had been used mainly by tourists, but the City of Tampa is exploring a future for the streetcar as a true transportation option that better serves the mobility needs of residents, workers, visitors, and students in downtown Tampa, Ybor City, Channel District, and surrounding urban neighborhoods. The City has been conducting a public transportation feasibility study and project development activities to expand and modernize the Tampa Streetcar system in partnership with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART). The Invision Tampa Streetcar project is supported with funding from the City of Tampa, HART and FDOT, with potential for federal funding through the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) Small Starts Capital Improvement Grant program. Project activities include intensive public engagement and close coordination with other local and regional transit initiatives.

The City completed the first phase of the InVision: Tampa Streetcar in Spring 2018 and in June 2018 received approval from FTA to enter the Project Development phase to select a preferred alternative and refine improvement plans and strategies.

The preferred alternative for the project consists of the following project elements:

  1. Replacement of the existing replica streetcar vehicles with modern streetcar vehicles;
  2. Construction of a 1.3-mile fixed guideway with overhead power within existing rights-of-way from the western terminus of the existing system through the core of Downtown Tampa to Tampa Heights;
  3. Construction of stops along the extension guideway;
  4. Modifications to the existing 2.7-mile alignment guideway, power system, and stops to support modern streetcar operations; and,
  5. Modifications to the existing vehicle maintenance and storage facility to accommodate the new vehicles.

The City will be wrapping up the Project Development and Environmental phase of the project in late Spring 2020 and in coordination with HART, will submit a project ratings request to the FTA in August 2020.

About the project

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The current Tampa Streetcar System was constructed to replicate the historic feel of Ybor City and to be appealing to tourists. Today, the City of Tampa believes the system can be transformed into a viable transportation option for people who live, work and visit downtown and surrounding neighborhoods. To guarantee the best investment is made, the City will evaluate a range of alternatives for the system’s extension and modernization.

This planning will not affect traffic in Downtown Tampa at all. If and when a selected alternative moves into construction, traffic may be impacted at that time. However, it is too early in the study to know any specifics, and we will be identifying ways to minimize impacts on downtown traffic.

The City of Tampa is working closely with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART) in planning for the best and highest use of the Tampa Streetcar. InVision: Tampa Streetcar will cost $1,677,390 and is being funded by both FDOT ($1 million) and the City of Tampa ($677,390).

The consultant team selected for this project is headed by HDR Engineering, Inc. Planning will be conducted in two phases. Phase 1 will identify a limited number of alternatives for extensions and modernization of the existing Tampa Streetcar system, culminating with a letter to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) requesting approval to initiate consideration for federal funding. If approved by the FTA, Phase 2 will commence, which includes identifying a locally preferred alternative (LPA) for extension and modernization and complete project development activities.

Success will result in a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) that has federal funding and broad public support allowing the City to invest in its existing infrastructure and ensure the Tampa Streetcar best meets Tampa’s growing need for transportation options.

Streetcar examples from around the world

How you can get involved

For those that can’t attend one of these public meetings, we encourage you to share your thoughts on the Streetcar Extension and Modernization Study here. Also, follow the City of Tampa on Facebook and Twitter @CityofTampa.

You can also send an email to Brandon Campbell, P.E., at
