University of Tampa

Stormwater Operations and Maintenance

Stormwater truck

Requests for stormwater infrastructure maintenance or repair services may be submitted directly via the Transportation and Stormwater Services Call Center at (813) 274-3101.

Requests for services may also be submitted online via the following links:

The City of Tampa's Stormwater Management System consists of approximately 600 miles of stormwater pipe, 180 miles of ditches and over 100 retention and detention ponds.  Debris and silt are removed regularly from the system using methods ranging from wheelbarrows and shovels to state-of-the-art equipment such as the Kaiser Spyder® to maintain the system's ability to control flooding and prevent stormwater pollution.

Stormwater Operations crews also enhance large ditches which are experiencing erosion by lining them with recycled concrete sidewalk.  Erosion repair, whether by rip-rap, lining or sodding, is important in protecting nearby property, preventing flooding by maintaining capacity, and controlling pollution.  

Stormwater crews perform about $750,000 worth of improvements and repairs to the stormwater management system each year.  Work is scheduled by Stormwater Work Areas. This work is in addition to the millions of dollars spent improving and expanding the system through contractors.  These crews are responsible for the construction of new storm sewers and the emergency repair of all existing drainage infrastructure within the City limits. 

Additionally, Stormwater Operations is responsible for repairing concrete drainage structures such as retaining walls and stormwater inlets, including resetting inlet tops which have been knocked off by traffic. In an average year, these crews will make over 300 repairs to your stormwater management system.

Keeping the City of Tampa Stormwater Management System clean is an important job.  Without regular maintenance, even well designed systems cannot protect from flooding or polluting.  Stormwater Operations keeps the system clean by vacuuming inlets, and jetting culverts and pipelines by using high pressure water.  If you observe anyone using the Stormwater system for disposal of anything or as a place to dump trash, please notify us immediately through this website or call (813) 274-3101, 24 hours a day.

Stormwater Operations annually clean 21,000 miles of curbed roadway with a fleet of street sweepers to reduce flooding by preventing sediment and debris from entering the drainage system.  If the street sweepers miss anything, several crews regularly clean the 18,000 inlets in our stormwater system.  These crews use vacuum trucks and small inlet cleaning equipment to clean an average of eight thousand inlets annually. These crews keep the system from clogging and prevent material from ending up in our receiving waters.

Stormwater Operations is also responsible for the operation and maintenance of the nine permanent pumping stations in our closed drainage basins, as well as emergency pumping which relieves localized flooding.  Before,during and after major rain events, crews inspect known problem areas and remove debris which might cause flooding.  If you see something which warrants attention, such as a clogged inlet or grate on a ditch system, please notify us immediately at (813) 274-3101.

If you know of a problem which should be addressed, please call us at (813) 274-3101.

Emergency? Dial 911