Flood Relief

Installing Stromwater drain
Flood Relief

30% Design Completion

30% Design Completion
NTCB Elmer Pond Expansion

Flooding Relief/ water quality improvement

30% Design Completion
30% Design Completion
Conover and 13th

Flooding Relief

Construction in Progress

Construction in Progress
S.E. Seminole Heights Flooding Relief (GMP 1)

Flooding Relief/ Water Quality Improvement

Construction in Progress
Lower Peninsula Watershed Plan - Southeast Region

Flooding Relief/ water quality improvement

Construction in Progress
Copeland Park Pump Station

Flooding Relief

Construction in Progress

60% Design Completion

60% Design Completion
Golf View Estates Flooding Relief

Flooding Relief/ Water Quality Improvement


Okara Rd and 26th Street FM

Flooding Relief

NTCB 99th Ave East -Pond Expansion

Flooding Relief/ water quality improvement

Hydrangia, West of Central

Flooding Relief


90% Design Completion

90% Design Completion
Woodmere & Lois

Flooding Relief

90% Design Completion
NTCB 99th Ave -West Pond Expansion

Flooding Relief & Water Quality

90% Design Completion
90% Design Completion
90% Design Completion
90% Design Completion
Clark and Fairoaks

Flooding Relief

Right-of-Way Acquisition

Right-of-Way Acquisition
Mabel North of Henry

Flooding relief


South Howard Flood Relief Project

Flooding Relief/ water quality improvement

Contract Negotiations

Contract Negotiations
17TH and Annona

Flooding Relief

Project Startup

Project Startup
North Ashley Pond Expansion

Flooding Relief, Water Quality