Aerial of Riverfont Park

Stormwater Mitigation Program

PDF Documents and Forms

The City recognizes the benefits provided by privately maintained stormwater mitigation facilities and wishes to encourage property owners to reduce or eliminate the property’s burden on the City system. Properties supporting private stormwater mitigation facilities should be credited for the public benefits they provide. The City’s Stormwater Mitigation Credit Policy  adopted on February 1, 2018, by Resolution 2018-94  provides the eligibility requirements, conditions, and credit. Accordingly, the charges based on the number of ESU otherwise attributable to such property may be adjusted by a Mitigation Credit determined in accordance with the Stormwater Mitigation Credit Policy . No Mitigation Credit shall exceed the amount of the Tax Parcel's Stormwater Charge. The Mitigation Guidelines  highlight the credits available, and describe the conditions and eligibility requirements.

Interested in Applying for Mitigation?

Complete the Mitigation Application  and support documentation. 
Email them to: or send via mail to:    

City of Tampa Stormwater Engineering, Mitigation Application
306 E Jackson Street, 6th Floor North
Tampa, FL 33602

Or apply online now:

Does your property need to recertify its Mitigation Credit?

As it pertains to Stormwater Mitigation, non-residential property classifications are those that are not single-family homes. Single family homes are assigned a DOR (Department of Revenue) Code of 100, 102, 106 or 111 by Hillsborough County Property Appraiser.

All non-residential mitigated properties are required to recertify their Mitigation every 5 (five) years. This includes all non-single family home classifications such as Condominiums, Multi-Family Homes, Cooperative, Apartments, and all General non-residential properties.

  • If your property is a single-family home and you currently have a mitigation credit assigned, you DO NOT need to recertify the Mitigation to keep it.
  • ALL properties that are not a single-family home and currently have a mitigation credit ARE REQUIRED to recertify every 5 years from the date the mitigation was applied.

Is it time to Recertify your non-residential property’s Mitigation?

Not sure when your property is due to recertify? Contact our Stormwater Assessment team at (813) 274-8386 or email us at


Questions?  You may directly reach our Stormwater Assessment team at (813) 274-8386 or email us at