Downtown Tampa Aerial Photo Sykes Building

Stormwater Advisory List Properties

Stormwater Advisory List Properties are properties which experience or may be reasonably expected to experience frequent localized flooding problems or which may have other problems or requirements associated with stormwater management. Typical problems or requirements with stormwater advisory list properties include:

  • Flood prone area
  • Pipe under structures
  • Easement needed 
  • Specific building/design requirements

Locations can be viewed via the Stormwater Advisory List Properties Look-Up Map.

The City of Tampa Stormwater Engineering Division reviews Stormwater Advisory List (SAL) properties on a case-by-case basis. If you would like more information about a specific SAL property, or if you would like to have the status of a SAL property reviewed, please submit a Service Request through the City of Tampa’s Customer Service Center at the link below. Please be sure to include the full address of the SAL property in question. The City of Tampa will provide a formal response within 30 business days.

The City of Tampa evaluates and considers many different factors when reviewing the status of a SAL property. Below is a link to the Property Case Review Form that the City of Tampa uses to review the status of a SAL property.