Adult Leagues & Sports


Batter in mid swing with umpire and catcher in their respective positions.


Slow-pitch softball is offered year-round for Men, Women, Church, Co-ed, and Sunday Night leagues. All teams must attend the organizational meeting to play in the upcoming season. Teams will be notified of the meeting location.

2025 Summer Registration

Mandatory Managers Meeting (must attend the meeting to register).
April 17, 2025 at 7 pm

Greco Softball Complex, 11000 N 50th St., Tampa, 33617

Register Online on April 25, 2025 at 6 pm 

League starts May 5, 2025

8 weeks for $300

Contact: Adam Wade

Players in mid dribble with defender between player and the goal


Our leagues are offered for beginner to advanced players at several gymnasiums located throughout the city and offer a fall and a spring season. Games and playoffs are included in the league format.

Contact: Adam Wade


Players attempting to hit the ball at the net

Co-Ed Volleyball

This is a co-ed recreational volleyball league offered in the fall and spring at several gyms throughout the city. This league is a great way to exercise and socialize with friends. All players should be able to "bump, set, and spike."

Contact: Adam Wade


Players lined up to being play in a traditional flag football line up

Flag Football

We provide Flag Football leagues for all abilities. The regular season includes 7 games with everyone making a single-elimination playoff tournament at the end of the season. Registration includes team shirts (up to 8 per team), 2 officials, and prizes for the champions. Get your team together and we will see you out on the field!

Adult playing kickball
