Contact Us

Parks and Recreation Department Main Office

Tony Mulkey, Director
Lenora Roberson, Executive Aide
3402 W. Columbus Drive
Tampa, Florida 33607

Ph: 813-274-8615
F: 813-274-5749

Tampa Connect (previously Customer Service Center)


Monday - Friday
8 am - 5 pm

News and Media Inquiries
Lawrence Hollyfield
Communications Coordinator
Ph: 813-274-7227


Centro Asturiano, Jackson Heights, Marti/Colon, Memorial Park, Oaklawn, Pyramid Crypts, Woodlawn
Ph: 813-274-3317

Event Venues
Ragan Center Ph: 813-242-5316
Seminole Garden Ph: 813-231-8900 or email
Tampa River Center Ph: 813-274-7452 or email

Cordelia B Hunt Ph: 813-348-1172
Joe Abrahams Ph: 813-832-1207

Incident Reporting
Employee | Participant | Visitor
Ph: 813-274-3309

Parks Security
Ph: 813-931-2168

Police Athletic League
Ph: 813-876-9363

Special Events and Event Parks
Al Lopez | Curtis Hixon | Julian B Lane | Riverwalk Parks | Waterworks
Ph: 813-274-8854

Adult and Youth Sports Leagues | Sports Camps and Clinics
Ph: 813-250-3314 (Monday to Friday, 10am - 8pm)
Rain Out Hotline: 813-489-5797

Human Resources
Hiring Status Ph: 813-274-8911
Internships Ph: 813-274-5175
Job Opportunities

Mowing and Grounds Maintenance Concerns
Ph: 813-274-3339

Planning and Design
Capital Improvement
Ph: 813-274-3312

Projects and Services
Accreditation | Awards | Grants | Social Media
Ph: 813-274-8713

Summer Camp
R.E.C. | Specialty
Mar to Jul, Ph: 813-274-3345
Aug to Feb, Ph: 813-274-5132 or 813-274-5748

Tree Emergency
(blocking streets and sidewalks)
Ph: 813-274-5744

Updated: 12/19/2024