Tampa from the Porch at the University of Tampa

McKay Bay Nature Park Trail

McKay Bay Nature Park TrailMcKay Bay Nature Park

134 N. 34th Street
Hours: Sunrise to Sunset

McKay Bay Nature Park showcases McKay Bay as a national avian sanctuary where birding and wildlife observation opportunities abound. A 0.17 mile boardwalk trail winds through the mangroves toward the extensive mudflats of McKay Bay. Many species of wading birds can be seen foraging, particularly in winter months. Birds may also be viewed with spotting scopes from either the park's observation tower/education pavilion located on the east side or the bird viewing station on the west side. A paved 1.25 mile multi-use path leads through the park and circles the peninsula to the south. A half-mile nature trail also traverses this 38-acre nature preserve. Park amenities also include ample parking, interpretative signage, bicycle racks and picnic tables.