News & Public Notices
The City of Tampa is proud to announce the return of "Suds and Solutions," a community initiative designed to alleviate financial stress by providing free laundry assistance to local families while…
Tampa Police Training Unit is responsible for the development, coordination, and delivery of extensive training programs for both new recruits and existing personnel. The report in its entirety can…
In recognition of Purple Heart Day, Mayor Jane Castor, Tampa Councilman Luis Viera and State Senator Jay Collins will join with the local Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapters and…
Due to the flooding caused by Tropical Storm Debby, the layer of historic brick along the 4900 block of W. Prescott Street was found to be severely damaged and needs immediate repair. Until then, the…
Two years after launching one of its most popular programs that has helped more than 1,800 families secure a stable place to live, the City of Tampa is excited to announce its Rental and Move-in…
TAMPA, FL. (August 5, 2024) -- Tampa Police are currently investigating an armed robbery that occurred at the Little Caesars Pizza located at 6932 N Armenia Ave. just before 7:30 pm on Sunday, August…
As Tropical Storm Debby makes its way up the West Florida coastline, residents are urged to remain indoors and avoid the roadways.Given the heavy rainfall the Tampa Bay region is expected to receive…
Reminder: The City of Tampa Solid Waste Department is asking members of the public to avoid placing their containers curbside overnight, given the pending storm surges and gusts of wind. It is best…
The City of Tampa will be activating its Call Center this weekend for individuals who want to ask weather-related questions as the region prepares for severe weather.Beginning at 2:00 P.M., on…
With tropical storm watches now issued for the majority of the Tampa Bay area, the City of Tampa is urging residents to take precaution, finalize their plans, and prepare their properties in these…
TAMPA, FL. (August 2, 2024) -- Tampa Police Chief Lee Bercaw has announced the promotion of 47 dedicated officers and professional staff members to supervisory roles within the department. These…
Due to Friday’s afternoon storm, sandbag sites in the City of Tampa closed slightly earlier than planned. In order to provide residents with ample time to collect sandbags, sandbag sites will open an…
You may hear some cannon sounds coming from the Tampa Convention Center Front Drive (near The Sail Plaza) on Tuesday, August 6. No, Gasparilla isn't here early! It's for a private event.The Ye Mystic…
TAMPA, Fla. (August 2, 2024) -- With tropical storm watches now issued for the majority of the Tampa Bay area, the City of Tampa is urging residents to take precaution, finalize their plans, and…
Please note that the USA Wheelchair Football League Tournament that was scheduled for August 3 and 4, 2024 at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida has been canceled due to the potential…
The Tampa Police Department is working to identify and apprehend two suspects who committed an armed robbery at Prince Jewelry located inside WestShore Plaza Mall.Just before noon, on Wednesday, July…
As tropical weather forms near Florida, Tampa Emergency Management officials are urging residents to solidify their plans in case weather conditions worsen throughout the weekend and into next week.…
TRAFFIC ADVISORYHistoric 7th Avenue Bricking Project Begins Monday, July 29, 2024In an effort to help calm traffic on a road that sees a significant amount of pedestrian traffic throughout the year,…
TAMPA, FL. (July 29, 2024) -- Three subjects have been arrested in connection with the June 23 murder of Charles Jones aka “Julio Foolio”; two additional suspects are wanted. Watch the News…
In an effort to continue to conserve Tampa's invaluable water resources, city leaders are proposing to make the emergency once-a-week watering restrictions permanent. First ordered by the Southwest…
Tampa Police Department and Crisis Center of Tampa Bay Launch Crisis Intervention Dispatch Service ProgramTAMPA, Fla. (July 23, 2024) -- The program aims to divert officer response when not required…
TAMPA, FL. (July 22, 2024) -- Tampa Police officers are investigating a deadly shooting.At 1:00 pm, officers responded to the 1000 Block of East Poinsettia for a reported shooting. Once officers…
After another successful cycle, the City of Tampa's e-Bike Voucher Program is pedaling back around to give more residents an opportunity to explore another transportation option.In the spring, a…
Those looking to make a positive environmental impact in Tampa are encouraged to join the first city-sponsored environmental stewardship program in Florida, known as the Green Team.Since its…
Tampa's Fiscal Year 2025 focuses on enhancing quality of life through strategic investments in key community priorities.Tampa's 2025 Budget: A Commitment to Community ValuesMayor Jane Castor on…
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