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Contact Us - Housing and Community Development

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How can we help? Contact us at (813) 274-7954 or through the Customer Service Center.

 To receive alerts from Housing and Community Development, receive information about contractors, funding opportunities, housing counseling, human rights, or owner occupied rehab please visit Alert Tampa to sign up.

  • After signing up for Alert Tampa in "My Alert Subscriptions" click on "edit".
  • Click on "Housing and Community Development".
  • Click on "Housing Programs" to view the 5 housing programs.
  • Select which alerts you want to receive from Contractors, Funding Opportunities, Housing Counseling, Human Rights and Owner Occupied Rehab.

Contractors - If you are a contractor interested in bidding on single or multi-family rehab projects, or single or multi-family new construction projects, you can sign-up to receive Alerts about opportunities, program changes, training opportunities and more. 

Funding Opportunities - If you are a non-profit agency interested in applying for a grant for a program, service, project and/or technical assistance, you can sign-up to receive Alerts about grant opportunities through the City of Tampa’s Housing and Community Development Division and technical assistance workshops.  

Housing Counseling - If you are interested in pre-purchase, foreclosure or financial counseling assistance, you can sign-up to receive Alerts about programs to assist homeowners with obtaining or maintaining a mortgage. 

Owner Occupied Rehab - If you are a homeowner seeking assistance to make repairs to your home, please fill out an application online or pick one up at 2555 E. Hanna Ave., Tampa, FL 33610.

Housing Information line - People living within the City of Tampa will be able to call 813-307-5555 for assistance on a variety of housing-related questions or concerns,.